Monday, August 1, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Alaskans

Well, here we go again. A year ago today (August 1st) I hopped on a plane headed for Alaska. In fact I just landed in Anchorage 1 year and 30 minutes ago. What a day! When I got to O'Hare at 7:00 in the morning that day it was packed and when I got to Anchorage at 1:30 there was basically no one there. I rented a car, found my hotel and went exploring.

First I drove around the city checking out the local color. I went to some stores and I went to a big festival/flea market type thing. It was there that I ate my first Alaskan food, some kind of fish sandwich that was awful. Little did I know what was to follow food-wise. Then I got on the highway and headed south. Drove along, enjoying the scenery, taking some pictures that many of you have seen. At about 10:00 pm, it was still light but I decided to head back to the hotel.

The next day I got up early, drove to the airport, got on the plane for Bethel and instant culture shock. Just thinking about it now is... I don't know what it is, but it's something. Anyway, I'll probably add more to this story as we go along.

By the way, due to some uncontrollable circumstances I am not going back this year. I apologize to those of you who were planning to visit me. I know this was the year you were all going to come. Oh well, maybe next time. However, due to popular demand I may add more entries to this blog detailing some of my previous unpublished activities. Since the new Planet of the Apes prequel is coming out this week, we'll consider this a prequel to last year's blog.